
Matt Skulski: steampunk metal sculptor, photographer, and artisan.

Matt Skulski

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Email: matt@skulskisculptures.com

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Get To Know Me And My Art

At 65 years old, I decided to try my hand at metal sculpting. About 3 years ago, a friend of mine suggested I take a look at Steam Punk metal sculpting. I immediately fell in love with the style and never looked back. Don’t get the impression that I’ve only been “constructing” sculptures for about 3 years, which I have, but that was not the beginning of this phase of my art work. For 45 years I have been a carpenter, handi-man, building contractor, and building inspector. I have been building and fastening things together for that long of time. It was a shoe-in to turn my artistic efforts towards metal sculpting, for I already had years of experience “putting things together”. As far as imagination and design goes, those have always been with me, from watercolor painting, photography, song writing and performing, to woodworking. My motto has become, “My Creator created my to be creative”. So there is no shortage of imaginings in my mind. My Creator is limitless in His imagination.

I have a leaning towards the abstract. In my sculpting, photography and painting, you can see my love for the wild world of abstract. It helps to stretch ones imagination and creative thinking. It helps you…. draw outside the lines once in a while.

Metal Arts & Photography




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